Audiobook Insanity!

JayneRylon-DreamMachineDraft4I’ve got big plans for audio book releases this year.  I’m self funding these projects so if you’re an audophile and want to hear more, your support is greatly appreciated.  As long as there’s an audience, I’ll keep making my way through my backlist!  Nice and Naughty and Powertools are already out on Apple Books, Amazon and Audible.  Report for Booty just hit virtual shelves last week.  In addition, Dream Machine is in production and will be released around the middle of Report For Booty Audio CoverApril.  Plus I just signed a contract for Night is Darkest, which will arrive sometime at the end of May.  WHEW!

JayneRylon-NiceandNaughtyFullSizeCheck them out here:

Audible –
Apple Books –
Amazon –

Both Kitty Kelly and Eargasm Audiobook Reviews have given Report For Booty 4 stars.  You can read their full reviews by clicking the links to their page.

These audiobooks are made possible in part by your support of the existing catalog of audiobooks and in part through the proceeds from my teespring campaigns.  There’s one going right now for those of you who (like me) stay up way too late reading!  I hope you’ll take a peek.
