579307_10150811328692460_785247459_9666698_1090244623_nSo I admit it… I haven’t read 50 Shades yet.  Will I?  Maybe.  If I can find the time!  But my good friend Jambrea Jo Jones pointed out this super cool article from Naughty Edition Reviews.  In it, the author says they weren’t over the moon about the books and recommended some great erotic romance authors.  Most of them on the list are just about my all time favorites (hello Joey Hill!).  And they mentioned ME!  How cool is that?!  I did a little squee 🙂

This might be a good time to shout out about a fun project I’m involved in.  I was invited to talk a little more about the subject and BDSM books I’ve written by my friend, Eden Bradley.  I hope that you’ll join us for the huge discussion, complete with giveaways of course, on her amazing blog site (along with several other awesome authors like RG Alexander!) The Smutketeers.  The event will run all day Wednesday and Thursday.  I hope to see you there.
