What a great email week it’s been!  Found out that 12 of my 20 current (or soon to be) published ebooks are going into print in 2012.  Six are already in print so this will make 18 of the 20.  Pretty terrific huh?  Also received edits on Red Light 4, which means it’s one step closer to having a release date.  Woot!   Stay tuned for more on that soon.

Best of all, I got a message from RT Magazine today saying that they’d done a feature article on the Powertools series, especially Devon’s Pair, called Making Menage Love Work.  I love it!  🙂  Here’s a link to the article by Dawn Crowne.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  I really appreciate all the support I’ve recieved for the series from fans as well as sites like RT.

Thank you all!
